I am currently sitting at the airport in Omaha, NE waiting on our delayed flight to Chicago. Our flight was suppose to leave at 2pm, but it has been delayed until 3:40pm...woo-hoo. Plus, our flight from Chicago to Columbia was suppose to leave at 4:30 and luckily it has been delayed as well...until sometime after 5pm...yea. Hopefully, we won't have any problems and end up missing our later flight. Enough of that.
(somewhere b/t Columbia & Chicago)

We had a great time in Omaha. I wouldn't want to live here and the only reason I guess you would want to visit is for the College World Series and maybe the zoo. They have a river walk, but it's nothing like the east coast...say for Wilmington or Savannah. There river walk is along the Missouri river and it smelled really bad. It was neat seeing Lewis and Clark landing though. They do have a nice park downtown and that was pretty much it. Anyway, we went to the zoo which was really cool. They have these different exhibits of different areas of the world. They have a rainforest exhibit, a desert exhibit and a few other things. I really liked the rainforest. There were monkeys and birds all around. Plus, they had a waterfall and a swinging bridge. There was a mommy and baby monkey that was really neat to see. She didn't go very far without him and she was very protective. They also had a desert exhibit that had the actual sound from some desert...can't remember which one. They had tons of cactus and plants that grow in that environment. It was interesting.
(the rainforest exhibit)
(mommy monkey holding her baby)
(entrance to the gorilla exhibit)
(desert exhibit...actual sand from a desert)
After the zoo, we watched MSU play against North Carolina. Sadly, MSU lost, but they put up a good fight. The next day we watched...sorry, I can't remember which teams...play at 1pm. Let me tell you, it was hot as hell. I thought I was back in the south. No breeze, just the sun bearing down on you. That night we went to the Horseshoe Casino across the river in Iowa. We had dinner and stayed at the craps table until 3am. I like rolling the dice. I was ready long before 3am, but Brian didn't want to leave. Lets say I got a little pissed off. I was tired and ready to go to bed. Of course, I did my little yelling and Brian just didn't care.
(entrance into Rosenblatt stadium)
(Brian and I in front of the stadium's statue)
(watching MSU vs. Louisville)

Sunday, we went back to the 1pm ballgame and MSU were killed by Louisville. That game was pitiful. The final score 12-4...Louisville. Yesterday, weather wise, wasn't as bad as Saturday. At least we had an overcast and some wind. Then after the game we got dressed and went downtown to the river walk and park. Like I said earlier, it wasn't much to it. I was a little disappointed. I shouldn't have high expectations for that sort of thing I guess. It was nothing compared to the east coast.
(downtown Omaha)
Overall, we had fun. At least I can say that I have been to the College World Series. Not many people can say that. It will be an experience that I will never forget.