The Kinard's...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not So Anonymous, Shopaholic

I really believe I have a shopping addiction. I don't know what has come over me, but lately, every time I got so called "browsing" I end up buying clothes, things for the house, something for Brian and Brody and I there is no need for it! If I see a cute dress or top and I just go ahead and purchase that item. I don't know why?? I don't even have to wear "real" clothes everyday because I wear scrubs 5 days out of the week. I am at disbelief with myself because I use to be the person who would save my money. I would never spend it unless it was for car gas or groceries. I would never buy clothes or decorative items for my home. I guess since I don't have any bills...besides student loans...that I feel I have no need to save my hard earned moola. Plus, life is too short. Might as well spend it today because you may not be here tomorrow. I do have to say, I have bought several cute dresses. I'm just ready for the weather to warm up so I can wear them!

I know this is totally off subject, but I am hooked on a new tv show...Dr. G, Medical Examiner. I guess I'm bringing it up now is because I am watching it on Discovery Health. I don't know why, but I have this strange facination for this show. I guess I'm just curious on how people die...strange, I know. So many people die over things that seem to could have been controlled by medication. Anyway, it amazes me watching Dr. G finding the reasoning behind the death. Too, I grew up around death because my family is in the tombstone business. My Dad sells stones, set stones and cuts death dates. I pretty much grew up in the cemetary. Our house that we lived in growing up was behind my uncle's shop and in front of the office there are tombstones for show. I loved going out there to play, escpecially at night. My friends and I would play hide-and-go-seek in the dark behind the stones. During the summer, I would ride with my dad while he made calls. Could you imagine cold calling to someone who just lost a loved one? I couldn't. To this day I still don't see how he does it! I sold advertisement for 3 years and that was hard enough, but selling tombstones to someone would be even harder. If you haven't seen the show, it's a definite must see!

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