The Kinard's...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Productive Sunday

Today has been a very productive day compared to yesterday. This morning I started on some laundry that has built up all week long. I hate doing laundry...its never ending. I don't so much mind the washing and throwing the clothes into the dryer, but its the folding that I hate. I have a tendency to leaving clothes in the dryer or throw them in the laundry basket and let them sit there for a couple of days. Its just not fun to do. I did better today. As soon as the clothes were done, I folded them and put them in their appropriate place. Then I swept the kitchen and both bathroom floors. I still need to mop, but I'll get to that eventually. I did the dishes, went to the grocery store, baked some brownies and vacuumed and washed the car....woo. Exhausting, huh? Brian has been pretty productive today as well. He cut the grass, weed-eated and now he's finishing the paint job that he started a week or so on the garage. I didn't make lunch today, but went to KFC and bought a bucket of chicken with mac-n-cheese, mashed potatoes and cole slaw. I haven't had KFC in so long. I remember back in the day eating KFC after church. Me, Mom and Dad would go get a bucket with all the fixings and carrying back to my grandmamas house. Daddy would fuss on how much it cost....never failed. He hates spending money on food. I still have things to do. I'm suppose to paint the door in the utility room and I definitely need to give Brody a much needed bath. He's been outside the majority of the day. He tried to catch a rat that was in the backyard, but luckily he failed in getting that thing...nasty. Well, I guess I need to see the progress that Brian has made on the garage.

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