Have you ever stayed at place that made such an impression on you that you will never forget? You will always remember that feeling of "awness?" For me, that would be the Shack Up Inn. Don't let the name scare you. This absolute gem is located in the heart of the delta of Clarksdale, MS. It was established in 1998, but each house is a replica of what the slaves lived in while working the cotton fields. Its not a 5 star hotel by all means. Now, I have stayed at some really nice places...the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, Ihalini in Hawaii, Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego to name just a few. But none of those places could amount to the Shack Up Inn. They are shot gun houses that named after a couple of legendary blue's singers and true representation of the delta. The quilts on the bed are mothy, mini moonpie is left on your pillow instead of a piece of chocolate and the only thing that plays on the tv is blues music. There's no cable kiddies...just good ole relaxing. Sit back and relax on the porch with an ice cold beer and in hopes that you will see the spirit of Robert Johnson...the legendary blues man who sold his soul to the devil.

I'm not sure why, but I think about this place a lot. I would love to go back one day. Now, there's not much to do in Clarksdale, but you have some really cool honky-tonk bars to hang out in. Morgan Freeman's bar, Ground Zero, is really cool. Plus, the Shack Up Inn has brought in a few celebs like Morgan Freeman, Elvis Costello, Samuel L. Jackson to name just a few. Take a crazy road trip and stay at the wonderful Shack Up Inn. I guarantee you, you will not be disappointed. Also, check out their website http://www.shackupinn.com/. Tootles!!

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