The Kinard's...

Monday, May 7, 2007

100 random things you may not care to know about me

I'm sitting here at work bored and I thought I would list 100 things that you may not know about me. So, here we go!

1. I LOVE being married to Brian
2. I never knew that I would be so infatuated with our dog, Brody (I love him dearly)
3. I have moved 16 times in 26 years and it's about to be 17 times in a couple of weeks
4. My brother, Chris, is my role model
5. I love my niece, Audrey, with all of my heart...she's a funny little girl
6. My parents are my heroes!
7. I have my scuba diving license
8. Back in elementary school, I had a pet bat named Sam for about a week before we set him free.
9. My first "real" job was working at a snow cone stand.
10. Growing up, I grew up on milk, tea or water. We never had soft drinks.
11. I didn't start drinking soft drinks on a regular basis until I was 20
12. The first time I had an alcoholic beverage and smoked a cigarette was on my 16Th birthday.
13. I miss my friends dearly.
14. Leigh and I have been friends since we were 3 years old and I love that!
15. I want to visit Europe before I die.
16. I still love watching the old cartoons that I have on DVD (smurfs, gummie bears, heathcliffe and the Cadillac cats, etc.)
17. I want to have at least one child before I turn 30.
18. Brian is my best friend.
19. I love to star gaze.
20. October is my favorite month because mine, Brian's, my mom's and Brian's Nana birthday is that month.
21. I miss my family and hate living so far away.
22. I LOVE to travel!
23. My favorite place that I have visited has been San Francisco, CA...that city is so cool.
24. I've been to Hawaii and the Bahamas
25. I had the greatest childhood that anyone could ask for!
26. I can still do a back flip on a trampoline.
27. I fractured my wrist in 5Th grade trying to do a back handspring by myself in gymnastics.
28. I wish I was still brave like I was when I was younger (back then I was invincible)
29. I'm kinda of scared to ride roller coasters now, but still get on them
30. I've worked in a soup kitchen on a church trip back in high school.
31. I miss going on youth trips (we had the best time and went to the greatest places)
32. I pray that Brian and I can find a church home in Wilmington. We didn't have such great luck here.
33. I've never been on cruise, but want to go on one one day.
34. I love cereal.
35. I wish I was more spontaneous.
36. I would wear flip flops everyday if I could
37. I'm so happy that my mother-in-law have a GREAT relationship.
38. When I was little, I use to want to be an astronomer until I realized how much math is required.
39. I went into Marketing because my Mom told me I should (I wanted to go into Elementary Education)
40. I love laughing so hard that I'm crying.
41. Our dog, Brody, is the funniest little puppy. He has so much personality and he hops like a bunny.
42. We bought Brody off the internet and he flew in from Texas.
43. I wish I could get up to Tennessee and see Summer and Chad with their new baby girl, Irie (I feel like a horrible friend)
44. I want to go deep sea fishing one day.
45. I get scared when driving on the interstate along side an eighteen wheeler going underneath a bridge. I'm always afraid their going to hit the top of the bridge with their trailer.
46. I was terrified of tornadoes when living in Mississippi, but now I'm going to have to deal with hurricanes in Wilmington.
47. I need to read my Bible more often.
48. I love singing along in the car.
49. My sister-in-law, Suzanne, is like a sister to me.
50. My first car was a Ford Taurus Station wagon and I had no shame driving it.
51. I've been in a beauty pageant once in my life and that was my senior year in high school and I placed.
52. I home schooled my junior year.
53. I have been to 5 proms, 2 my junior year. One at the private school and one at the public school.
54. Only time I've ever played a sport was softball my senior year. I didn't know what in the world I was doing.
55. I was a cheerleader in eighth grade (private school) and my sophomore year (public school).
56. I'm terrified of fish, frogs and lizards.
57. I've swam with dolphins (their not a fish, but a mammal so that was okay)
58. I could eat a snow cone everyday if I could.
59. I'm flat footed and bow-legged.
60. Tulips are my favorite flowers
61. I hate cooking because I'm just not any good, but I do love to bake desserts.
62. Brian is the funniest person I have ever known.
63. I've been to a live comedy show once in my lifetime, but I wish I could go more.
64. I don't drink as much water as I should.
65. I hate watching really scary movies.
66. I've gotten to where I really enjoy reading actual books, not magazines, but books.
67. Once I've gotten a paddling in elementary school for telling someone to do something that they shouldn't have done. It left a bruise on my leg.
68. I have small hands.
69. I've had a manicure once in my life and never had a pedicure.
70. I just bought my first "designer" bag, COACH!!!
71. I love to sleep.
72. I've just gotten to where I don't mind spending my own money. You may not be here tomorrow, so you might as well spend it today. I use to horred my money and didn't mind spending other people's money.
73. Growing up, I had cats instead of dogs.
75. I always think about what I'm going to dream about before going to sleep.
76. I can't wait till we buy our first home, but that won't be until a year or two.
77. I'm a horrible speller. I would be lost with spellcheck
78. Sometimes I speak before I think, which sometimes isn't good.
79. I love walking in the grass bear foot.
80. I love seafood, Mexican and sushi. I would eat all of them everyday if I could.
81. I use to hate turnip and collard greens, but now I love them.
82. I love meeting new people.
83. I rather go shopping by myself than with someone. I can spend as much time in a store that I want, without having to worry about the person with me.
84. I love to swing.
85. I can roll my tongue.
86. I hope to be a great sales person like my brother and dad.
87. When the song "I DO" by Lisa Lobe comes on, it always brings a smile to my face. The reason being is because back in high school, Leigh and I were driving to Grenada in her car and I was talking about something, and in the middle of my conversation, she blurts out the line "I'm starting to ignore you" and every time I hear that, I just laugh...until this day. It's been like 10 years since that happen and I remember it like it was yesterday.
88. I miss the summers that Leigh and I would camp out in my yard and eat peanut butter sandwiches and play monopoly until it was late into the night, then we would go inside because we got scared.
89. There are two times that I remember sleep walking. Once, I ended up outside in our backyard and my mom heard me calling her and she came out and got me. The second time, she found me out close to the highway. I'm surprised I didn't walk out in front of a car.
90. I've been in one car accident. I was hit by a garbage truck on my driver side. Luckily, in that case I didn't have my seat belt on and I was able to roll over in my passenger seat. If I had been buckled in, it would have crushed my left side of my leg.
91. I wish I had a photographers eye.
92. I had a beautiful wedding and I'm so thankful my family was able to come all the way to Georgia to be there.
93. Brian and I never had a honeymoon, but a pre-honeymoon to San Francisco, CA.
94. I love the thought that Brian and I will be growing old together.
95. My favorite childhood book is "I'll Love You Forever." That book always made me cry.
96. The first time I had ever flown was after 9/11.
97. My family vacation growing up was going to the Smokey Mountains camping and we still try and do that every year to this day.
98. I would rather go back to writing letters than sending emails.
100. I'm glad I'm done with this :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That makes me remember lots of old times. Thanks for writing it. Growing up in Winona was awesome huh? Do you remember Leigh's treehouse and me getting stuck up in it at Brownies because I was scared to come down. I can't believe I've been friends with ya'll since I was 3. Though I don't get to talk to Leigh much anymore. I really hate that when we get older we grow further apart.