Tomorrow at approximately 5:56 pm, I will be taking off from ILM airport flying to Mississippi for a weekend getaway. I'm so PUMPED!!! Like I said earlier, I haven't been home since Christmas '07. So, you can imagine my excitement.
Here's my itinerary:
Friday evening I will land in GTR at 8:04 pm waiting on my parents to greet me. I'm going to talk them into eating at Little Dooies in Starkville for supper. They have some good BBQ. Nothing like MS barbeque. Hopefully they will be in the mood for it.
On Saturday, Mom, Dad and I are driving to Meridian to see Chris, Suzanne and Audrey's house. I'm also going to check-out where my brother works. Then we are going to my Grandmother's house to see her later in the afternoon. She will be 93 years old in September. I hope to see 93. It will be great seeing her and her house. I just love it! It was built in the 1800's and it was actually my Grandfather's house that he grew up in. I never met my Grandfather...he passed away in the early '70s. Saturday night, I'm hoping to see Leigh and her little one's. It all depends on how long our day is. I really hope to see her for at least an hour or so. Again, I haven't seen her since '07. Thank goodness for Facebook!
Sunday, we are cooking out burgers and kabos. Chris, Suzanne and Audrey are arriving early in the AM. They come late Saturday night depending on how tired Chris is. He won't be getting off work until 8pm.
The weather is suppose to be in the mid 70's and sunny. Can't beat that! I'm so ready to go home, and I'm sure it will be hard to get back on the plane Monday afternoon to fly back to Wilmington. Then get back to work mode, nasty.
I will miss Brody and Brian, but they can have themselves a boy's weekend. It will be good for Brian to have the house to himself. Until next time!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My poor baby.
Today was a very big day for Brody Bear, but I didn't intend on that happening. Brian took Brody to his groomer's, Olga's Dog Spa, to make him even more handsome. He HATES going to the groomers mind you. He shakes and shivers uncontrollably. By his reaction, you'd think that we were abandoning him forever.
So anyway, I picked him up around 1 pm and we were driving home and I noticed he kept squinting his left eye. His left eye was really runny and I noticed a film on his eye. I called Brian letting him know that I thought something was wrong and that I was going to take him to the vet, just in case something was wrong. Its a Mother's instinct I suppose.
I took Brody to his veterinarian, Wilmington's Animal Hospital, to let Dr. Stacy Ward take a look at his eye. While checking out his eye, she noticed he had several pieces of hair in his eye. She had to put a yellow dye to make sure that there wasn't an abrasion. Unfortunately, he had two small corneal abrasions. I have to put an ointment in his left eye three times a day for 5 days and take him back to the vet if I see it's not getting any better.
I feel so bad for him. He's a dog, he can't tell me if he's in pain. All I can do is use my judgement. He's my baby and I don't want anything happening to him. I want to protect him as much as I can.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm So Excited, I Just Can't Hide It!!
I booked a plane ticket to Mississippi! I had no intentions of going home, but yesterday I noticed on the work schedule that I'm not working on April 6th, which is a Monday. By not working on Monday, I have a little bit more of a weekend. The wheels started turning in my mind. Why not see what plane tickets were to fly home for the weekend. Mind you that I haven't been home since Christmas '07. It is WAY OVER DUE. Grant it, my parents have visited me since I've been in Wilmington, but I haven't seen my brother since my last visit home. Too long, I know! I'm really pumped about seeing him. I'm just ready to get back into God's country.
I really do miss Mississippi. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE North Carolina. But like Dorothy says, "There's no place like home." For me, MS will always be "home." You can't beat it. The food, hospitality (which means, just about everyone you pass on the road, you wave), pastures, agriculture, blues just name a few. Mississippi is truely a gem, and you don't realize it until you are gone.
I remember growing up, I just couldn't wait to move. I wanted to be somewhere other than Mississippi. I didn't want to be like my parents. Living just miles from where I grew up. I just knew that there was something bigger and better than slow talkin', sweet tea drinkin, country music listen' Mississippi.
I have had the opportunity to live in Tennessee, Georgia and now North Carolina and nothing compares to the great Magnolia state. Now, Wilmington is beautiful. It's full of arts, kind people, historical downtown, the beach, great seafood restaurants, but I haven't yet found a great "honky, tonk...aka juke joint" bar to where they play good ole' blues/country music. Like I stated in a earlier post, Clarksdale is great place for blues music. Well, let me take that back, the Delta all together is great for the blues. If you ever travel to MS, please stop by the Delta. I do miss it!
Needless to say, I am a little home sick. I will probably get there and not want to come back. Pitiful. I just love my parents house. It's on 25 acres of land with a 3 acre pond right outside the house. I enjoyed going fishing and swimming in that pond growing up. It takes about 20 min to get into town. Perfect. My daddy built our house when my Mom was pregnant with me back in 1980. When I go home, I will have to take a pic of it to share. It's just lovely.
I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends. It will be good to catch up with everyone, especially my 92 year old Grandmother. Can you tell I'm pumped!!!
I really do miss Mississippi. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE North Carolina. But like Dorothy says, "There's no place like home." For me, MS will always be "home." You can't beat it. The food, hospitality (which means, just about everyone you pass on the road, you wave), pastures, agriculture, blues just name a few. Mississippi is truely a gem, and you don't realize it until you are gone.
I remember growing up, I just couldn't wait to move. I wanted to be somewhere other than Mississippi. I didn't want to be like my parents. Living just miles from where I grew up. I just knew that there was something bigger and better than slow talkin', sweet tea drinkin, country music listen' Mississippi.
I have had the opportunity to live in Tennessee, Georgia and now North Carolina and nothing compares to the great Magnolia state. Now, Wilmington is beautiful. It's full of arts, kind people, historical downtown, the beach, great seafood restaurants, but I haven't yet found a great "honky, tonk...aka juke joint" bar to where they play good ole' blues/country music. Like I stated in a earlier post, Clarksdale is great place for blues music. Well, let me take that back, the Delta all together is great for the blues. If you ever travel to MS, please stop by the Delta. I do miss it!
Needless to say, I am a little home sick. I will probably get there and not want to come back. Pitiful. I just love my parents house. It's on 25 acres of land with a 3 acre pond right outside the house. I enjoyed going fishing and swimming in that pond growing up. It takes about 20 min to get into town. Perfect. My daddy built our house when my Mom was pregnant with me back in 1980. When I go home, I will have to take a pic of it to share. It's just lovely.
I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends. It will be good to catch up with everyone, especially my 92 year old Grandmother. Can you tell I'm pumped!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Airlie Gardens
Sunday was such a lovely day that I decided to walk around Airlie Gardens. For those of you not familiar with Airlie Gardens, here's a brief history:
The property known as Airlie was part of a 640-acre land grant from King George II to the Ogden brothers in 1735; by the 1800s much of the original acreage had been transferred to Joshua Grainger Wright. It was not untill the arrival of Sarah Jones, wife of Pembroke Jones, that a formal garden was created. The Joneses were wealthy industrialists noted for their lavish entertaining. They used Airlie as a means to accommodate their guests and parties.
Sarah Jones began planting the property in 1901 and later in 1906 commissioned German landscape architect Rudolf Topel to transform the tract into a picturesque garden. Airlie reached its peak during the 1920s, at which time it was reported that over a half million azaleas and 5,000 camellias were in the garden; many of these plants still bloom and thrive in the garden. The 67-acres of today’s Airlie are all that remain of the original 155-acre estate.
The Corbett Family purchased the Airlie property from the Joneses in 1948 and used the gardens as a primary residence. Local business owners with strong ties to the community, the Corbetts would open the garden to the public several seasons throughout the year, especially in the spring during azalea bloom. In 1999 the family sold the property to New Hanover County. Today, Airlie is a local treasure as one of the last undeveloped land tracts along Bradley Creek. The gardens are undergoing restoration and are now preserved for public use.
If any one comes to Wilmington, you definitely need to check it out. Here are a few pics that were taken. I have more on my flikr page at,
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
What A day!!
That's all that I can say. Not only work being hellishes (if that's even a word), but I got into a car accident on 3rd street today. That's right, a car accident that involve, technically 3 other vehicles, and myself. Sadly, it was my fault. I took the long route home from work today to drive through the downtown area...I really wanted to listen to my iPod before going home. I was minding my own business, and I suppose I looked down...honestly, I can't remember, it all happened so fast. The next thing I know, there was a Crown Victoria stopped and I slammed on brakes, but it was too fast and...BAM, I hit the crown victoria. That car hit a PT cruiser and that car hit someone else. The car of the front end left and me, the victoria and cruiser stayed behind. My vehicle got the worst of it. I mean, that bad boy is totaled. Stuff started leaking out and they even called the fire department. The other two vehicles involved only had a couple of wasn't too bad on their part. But man, mine...not pretty. I'm just thankful my airbag didn't pop out. How i tdidn't, I don't know. I was going about 35+MPH!
Of course, they had to tow my car away. The tow guy told me it was about $4,000 in damage. I'm glad no one was hurt. My wrist is feeling weird...all numb and tingly. If its not any better tomorrow, I will have it checked out. I'm sure I will be feeling the affects of it tomorrow. I'm just so mad at myself for this happening. I suppose that is why its called an "accident."
Anyway, just wanted to give an FYI for anyone who may be reading my blog. It sucks that I wrecked my car, but thankfully no one was hurt. That is all that matters. Its nothing a bottle of wine can't fix!
Of course, they had to tow my car away. The tow guy told me it was about $4,000 in damage. I'm glad no one was hurt. My wrist is feeling weird...all numb and tingly. If its not any better tomorrow, I will have it checked out. I'm sure I will be feeling the affects of it tomorrow. I'm just so mad at myself for this happening. I suppose that is why its called an "accident."
Anyway, just wanted to give an FYI for anyone who may be reading my blog. It sucks that I wrecked my car, but thankfully no one was hurt. That is all that matters. Its nothing a bottle of wine can't fix!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Two New Purchases
Last night while I was waiting on Brian to get home, I was browsing the internet and checked out my favorite store, They have the CUTEST stuff! Anywho, I've been needing some new everyday earrings for all the dresses that I have been purchasing lately. I'm not the proud owner of cute earrings. Honestly, I don't know why. I thought these were cute and I they have other cute ones that I wanted, but I spent almost $40 on just two pair. I really didn't to spend too much money on just earrings. Anwy, I liked them and just thought I would share a couple of pics of them. Can't wait until they arrive!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My dumb blonde moment of the day.
I dilated a prosthetic eye. That's correct boys and girls, I put dilating drops in someone's artificial eye. I mean, what the hell! Okay, so here's how the story goes down.
This guy was my last patient of the day and looking at his age, 33, I thought "hey, this will be easy as pie." Its not like I'm taking back an 80 year old or anything. I flipped back through his chart and it said he had a retinal detachment. Okay, no big deal. So, I brought back this dude and he was wearing specs. So I wasn't paying attention to his right eye. I knew from his last visit he had no light perception to that eye, couldn't read the acuity with that eye, no depth perception, only could do the color blind test with one eye. So, I asked him to push his chair back against the wall so I could check his vision. My dumb ass self asked him to cover his right eye, and he said "seriously." Of course there was no need for him to cover that eye because HE CAN'T SEE OUT OF IT. I just told him "sorry, that comment was out of habit."
Looking at him, I couldn't really tell if it was a prosthetic eye. I knew that it looked funny but I wasn't going to ask. I already made a fool of myself asking him to cover his bad eye. I mean, the dude had mobility in that eye!
Anway, I went to take him back to the exam room and I didn't dilate him. I told Dr. Beck that I didn't because he wasn't last time. Still, not knowing that it was an artificial eye. He told me to go ahead since he had a history of a retinal detachment. So, I took my ass to his room and told him that I was going to dilate him. He said, "okay." I put drops in both eyes. I bet that poor guy that I was an absolute MORON! Anyway, Beck was reviewing his chart before going in and it turned out that he had a prosthetic eye. I felt like a dumb ass. He just laughed. Actually, everyone in the office laughed at me. I don't blame them. I mean, who in the hell dilates someone with a prosthetic eye? No one, except for Jennifer Kinard.
I have to admit that I've had several "dumb blonde moments" in my life. I will share a few.
Sophomore year in high school, my two best friends, Summer and Leigh went to Grenada to have dinner. The waiter came by to take our order. And the guy asked me "super salad" least that's what I thought he said. I looked at him and was like what. He said "super salad." Again, thinking he was saying this. I looked at Summer and she said "sup-er-salad" and I said "Is that like a really big salad?" We all cracked up! It was so funny. All three of us were laughing until we were crying. I seriously thought he was saying "super salad" instead of "soup or salad."
Summer of my senior year, I got a new car, Hyundia Elantra...woo-hoo. Leigh and I were driving back to her house from town (she lived, well still does, out in the country) and I was driving exactly 55 mph. She told me, "Why don't you drive at least 60 mph?" My bright self says, "I don't want to add extra miles to my car." Yelp, I said that. Leigh starts laughing and says, "You goober, your going to drive the same amount of miles whether you drive 55 or 100." Classic!
I have several more, but I don't want you to think I'm an absolute moron. Those are just a couple of good ones. Now, I can add my incident from today.
I hope you enjoyed my embarrassment. That will go down in my history book of "Walk of shame."
This guy was my last patient of the day and looking at his age, 33, I thought "hey, this will be easy as pie." Its not like I'm taking back an 80 year old or anything. I flipped back through his chart and it said he had a retinal detachment. Okay, no big deal. So, I brought back this dude and he was wearing specs. So I wasn't paying attention to his right eye. I knew from his last visit he had no light perception to that eye, couldn't read the acuity with that eye, no depth perception, only could do the color blind test with one eye. So, I asked him to push his chair back against the wall so I could check his vision. My dumb ass self asked him to cover his right eye, and he said "seriously." Of course there was no need for him to cover that eye because HE CAN'T SEE OUT OF IT. I just told him "sorry, that comment was out of habit."
Looking at him, I couldn't really tell if it was a prosthetic eye. I knew that it looked funny but I wasn't going to ask. I already made a fool of myself asking him to cover his bad eye. I mean, the dude had mobility in that eye!
Anway, I went to take him back to the exam room and I didn't dilate him. I told Dr. Beck that I didn't because he wasn't last time. Still, not knowing that it was an artificial eye. He told me to go ahead since he had a history of a retinal detachment. So, I took my ass to his room and told him that I was going to dilate him. He said, "okay." I put drops in both eyes. I bet that poor guy that I was an absolute MORON! Anyway, Beck was reviewing his chart before going in and it turned out that he had a prosthetic eye. I felt like a dumb ass. He just laughed. Actually, everyone in the office laughed at me. I don't blame them. I mean, who in the hell dilates someone with a prosthetic eye? No one, except for Jennifer Kinard.
I have to admit that I've had several "dumb blonde moments" in my life. I will share a few.
Sophomore year in high school, my two best friends, Summer and Leigh went to Grenada to have dinner. The waiter came by to take our order. And the guy asked me "super salad" least that's what I thought he said. I looked at him and was like what. He said "super salad." Again, thinking he was saying this. I looked at Summer and she said "sup-er-salad" and I said "Is that like a really big salad?" We all cracked up! It was so funny. All three of us were laughing until we were crying. I seriously thought he was saying "super salad" instead of "soup or salad."
Summer of my senior year, I got a new car, Hyundia Elantra...woo-hoo. Leigh and I were driving back to her house from town (she lived, well still does, out in the country) and I was driving exactly 55 mph. She told me, "Why don't you drive at least 60 mph?" My bright self says, "I don't want to add extra miles to my car." Yelp, I said that. Leigh starts laughing and says, "You goober, your going to drive the same amount of miles whether you drive 55 or 100." Classic!
I have several more, but I don't want you to think I'm an absolute moron. Those are just a couple of good ones. Now, I can add my incident from today.
I hope you enjoyed my embarrassment. That will go down in my history book of "Walk of shame."
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Should one be posting after drinking several glasses of Pinot Noir??
Probably not. But hey, I think a lot of people do their best writing while "under the influence." Now, I'm not saying I'm drunk, but I am feeling pretty good right now. I've been browsing the Internet while listening to my iPod library on my computer. I've been jamming to some Buzz Ballard's...gotta love it! I have a wide variety on my playlist. From Kelly Clarkson's new album "All I Ever Wanted" which is pretty damn good to the "Greatest Hits" of Elvis Presley and Robert Johnson. Those boys bring me back to my roots! I have fallen in love with a new band/singer Ben Kweller. His album Chasing Horses is great! Its kind of bluesy/country. He has some awesome tracks. While browsing on the net, I have my routine stops that I make never fails. Number 1: my email @ yahoo. Even though I get a lot of junk, I can't help but to check it everyday; 2. Facebook...I have to say, it's an addiction. I love reading people's 'status' and checking out pictures; 3. Just Jared for my celebrity gossip. It's a 'guilty' pleasure I must say; 4. Star News...Wilmington's local newspaper...I have to know what is going on; 5. My best friend, Summer, website of Irie...although I'm very disappointed in them for not posting any pics of miss Irie Layne; 5. Random people's blogs. I have come across some blogs of people whom I have never met, but love reading. I feel like I know them, but they have no clue of who I am. Sounds weird, right? I should comment on their page to say, "Hey, I've been reading your blog for year now and I really enjoy it...very entertaining...and just want you to know, check out mine." Yeah, that will probably not happen. 6. Urban Outfitters. I absolutely LOVE this store. I just bought the cutest dress, it was in my last post, that I have seen in a while. Brian says I look like I should be a 60s-70s flight attendant in it. It's SO NOT TRUE! It's too damn cute. I almost bought a couple of earrings from there today, but didn't. I will have to check around town to see if I can find any cute ones. If not, I will order them.
Today, was an okay day at work. I was suppose to learn how to check out patients with Carla today, but that didn't happen. I got tied up answering phones, taking tests for DVC and taking back a couple of patients for a "slow" screener that we have. I don't know what has happened to Denise. She use to be a "team player", but lately she has been a slacker. Taking her sweet ass time working up patients, not wanting to help out and is missing when you need her. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but she really needs to pick up her game. I have become really close to one of the girls there, Jenipher. She's Awesome!! We get along really well and I don't know what I would do if she wasn't there. She's my buddy.
I can ALWAYS count on Jen. I also love working with everyone @ DVC. We have all gotten really close. That's why I wanted a job where I work from 8-5 so I can meet people here. In outside sales, it was unfortunate that I didn't have that opportunity since I was working in a 12o mile radius of Wilmington. It was just Brian and I. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with him...but man, every-now-and-then you need a girls night. And that is what I have with the girls that I work with. We have been fortunate enough to have "girls night" at least once a month.
Its great to be in a work place with people who you enjoy being with. I truly believe that makes "work environment" so much easier. If you don't have a relationship with your co-workers, its not going to work. You are just going to be unhappy and out searching for a new job. I'm hoping I will stick it out for the long run. I do have to take a CPO test in May which I'm not looking forward to taking. Its not the test taking part that I'm dreading, but afraid that I am going to fail. How embarrassing will that be! I would be absolutely mortified!! I told my office manager that if I don't pass, I'm working front desk. I just hope I will do well. I have 2 mos.
Well, I'm feeling the affects of my lovely red wine so I guess that is my cue to sign off. I'm not sure if anyone is reading this, but if so, you are more than welcome to leave a comment. I only do this for my family back home to keep in touch on what I am doing. I hate talking on the phone and I feel blogging is much easier than actually speaking. Goodnight everyone!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Audrey!
Today is my niece's, Audrey, 7th birthday! I cannot believe she's 7. Its amazing how fast they grow up. I wish I was back in MS to celebrate, but sadly NC was too far to get away. So anyway, I hope you had a wonderful birthday party yesterday and have a fabulous birthday today my little toot-t00t!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My new purchase
After my blogging rant on my childhood memories I cruised on over to Urban Outfitters. I love this store, but haven't bought anything from there until tonight. It is the cutest damn dress I have seen in a while. I really hope that it fits great! I don't know what it is lately, but I have purchased a lot of dresses. I'm just ready for the weather to warm up. Drum roll please....
Rogen Ruffle Dress

Thoughts of the past
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my past from growing up. I'm not sure exactly why, but random thoughts will pop in my head while driving, working up patients, in a conversation with Brian. I think I may be missing Mississippi. I haven't been back in over, that's a long time for someone like me. It sucks that we live 13 hours way, but I do have to say I love Wilmington. I do have to say that I miss my family and friends. I will be missing my niece, Audrey, 7th birthday this weekend. She's growing up so FAST.
Sorry for the rambling, back to my childhood (elementary-high school) memories. To make things easier, I will make a list in no particular order.
Sorry for the rambling, back to my childhood (elementary-high school) memories. To make things easier, I will make a list in no particular order.
1. During senior year of high school, class of '99, we took a field trip to Parchman, Mississippi's State Penitentiary. Why they took us there, I don't know. I suppose that's what you get for living in a small town in MS. They took us on a tour and had some prisoners speak to us. This one guy in particular, I can't remember his name, but he was a SOLID black man....I mean solid. Anywho, he describe the nights which was a little frighting. He said "Can you picture waking up in the middle of the night and there's a man standing over you with a can of grease in one hand and a knife in the other, which hand are you going to choose?" Yeah, that's right, he said that. Now, if that doesn't scare a 17-18 year old, then I don't know what will. I suppose Winona Academy didn't want anyone from their school to end up there.
2. My Barbie doll house that I got for Christmas one year. I believe I was around 7 or 8. My parent's actually built it for me, but of course I thought it was from Santa. This doll house was two stories with real shingles on the roof, real carpet and wall paper. The doll house was a light color blue. Now, I had the whole set-up with living room furniture, kitchen furniture with dinnerware, bedroom suite and a hot pink convertible. I LOVED me some Barbie. It was the coolest house EVER. Then several years down the road, my parent's sold it to my Uncle Kenneth. I was very saddened by it. Maybe one day I will have a little girl and I will have my dad build her one just like the one I had. I don't even think I have a picture of it, only a memory.
3. Learning to ride a bike. Growing up, we lived behind my Uncle Warren's monument shop...tombstones everywhere. I remember my Mom was holding me up and we took off. I was peddling away and I happened to look back at her with full of excitement. Seeing that she wasn't there, I looked forward and BAM, I ran smack dab into a tombstone. It didn't feel good, but I jumped back on and was able to ride by myself.
4. My trampoline. During summer of '90 (I think that's when it was) I was spending the week with grandmama Sanders. Well, it was suppose to be a week but I got homesick. That was the longest of being away and my grandmother's house creeped me out. My granddad grew up there and so did my dad. Needless to say, the house is old...back from the 1800's. I had written a letter to my mom and I was crying when I wrote it and a tear drop had stand the paper. My Mom noticed it and she came and got me early. Grant it, we only lived about 40 minutes away. When she came and got me, she bought me a trampoline to make me feel better. I was spoiled. I loved my trampoline. I spent countless hours teaching myself how to do front and back flips, Leigh and I would jar each other to see how high we could bounce each other. I would move the trampoline next to the house and jump off. My Mom wasn't happy with that one. I would put the sprinklers underneath and we would jump over the water when it came through. It was AWESOME!
5. Dance and gymnastics. I started taking dance lessons when I was 3 years old by Claire Gaines and her Mom Mrs. Gaines. Dance class was so much fun! I took dance all the way through elementary school, except for 5th grade. I don't know why I skipped that year. I guess because none of my friends were taking it. I only took gymnastics for a few years. I actually fractured my left wrist from doing a back handspring. I remember that cracking sound like it was yesterday. My favorite thing about dance and gymnastics was the recitals. Getting all dressed up in the costumes and being on stage. For some reason, I always thought all eyes were on me! It was a great feeling.
6. My prayer partner. Ms. Townsend was one of the members at Moore Memorial United Methodist Church that I selected to be my prayer partner. Ms. Townsend lived next door to the Gaines, where I took dance, and I would go over to her house every time I went to class. I remember being this amazing gardner. She had tons of flowers. Her backyard was like an enchanted forest. Inside her house was full of plants. When she died, my parents didn't even tell me. I had to hear it from Mollye Robertson. I remember getting off the phone with her crying and I told my Mom. My Mom already knew, but didn't want to tell me because she didn't want me to be heartbroken. That was the first person that was ever close to me that had died. I didn't even go to her funeral because my parent's thought it would be too hard on me.
7. My first car. 1992 baby blue Ford Tauras Stationwagon. That's right, a STATIONWAGON. Let me tell you, I was cool as shit driving that thing. Everyone wanted to drive the "dragon wagon." I remember during Sophmore year, it was homecoming week, and I was able to fit 14 people in that car. Even one guy, Kyle, was 300 lbs! It was a bad ass ride. I had some good times in that car.
8. 1980's and early '90s TV...especially the cartoons. Smurfs, The Wonderful World of David The Gnome, The Little Prince, Today's Special, Care Bears, Hey Dude, Rainbow Brite, Heathcliffe and the Alley Cats, Garfield, Empty Nest, Popples, Shirt Tales, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Gummi Bears, You Can't Do That On Television and Punky Brewster to name a few. I tell you what, they don't make t.v. like this anymore. When Brian and I have kids, I'm not going to let me kids watch what's on now. I have a few of these on DVD that I will let my kids watch.
9. Homeschooling my Junior year. I wanted to graduate a year early, so I home schooled my junior year. It was great! I taught myself and got to hang out with people from the public and private school. I actually went to two proms that year. At the public school it was with Kyle, the big guy but we were great friends, and with Dylan at the private school. That was pretty cool. After homeschooling, I met my high school sweetheart, Donovan, and decided to go back to the private school my senior year. I was young and in love and thought it would be best that I go back and finish with my friends so I could be with him. I relationship ended after 2 years, but I will have the many fond memories of Senior year.
10. My swing in my door way. At our old house in Winona, my Dad put a swing in my doorway. I'm not sure exactly why, but it was so COOL! Of course, you couldn't swing that high but hey, who can say they had a swing in their doorway. NO ONE!
Those are just a few memories that I have that I wanted to share. There are way too many to list and plus, I don't want to get carpa tunnel syndrome. Maybe another day I will list more. But until then, this will have to do.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Shack Up Inn

Have you ever stayed at place that made such an impression on you that you will never forget? You will always remember that feeling of "awness?" For me, that would be the Shack Up Inn. Don't let the name scare you. This absolute gem is located in the heart of the delta of Clarksdale, MS. It was established in 1998, but each house is a replica of what the slaves lived in while working the cotton fields. Its not a 5 star hotel by all means. Now, I have stayed at some really nice places...the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas, Ihalini in Hawaii, Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego to name just a few. But none of those places could amount to the Shack Up Inn. They are shot gun houses that named after a couple of legendary blue's singers and true representation of the delta. The quilts on the bed are mothy, mini moonpie is left on your pillow instead of a piece of chocolate and the only thing that plays on the tv is blues music. There's no cable kiddies...just good ole relaxing. Sit back and relax on the porch with an ice cold beer and in hopes that you will see the spirit of Robert Johnson...the legendary blues man who sold his soul to the devil.

I'm not sure why, but I think about this place a lot. I would love to go back one day. Now, there's not much to do in Clarksdale, but you have some really cool honky-tonk bars to hang out in. Morgan Freeman's bar, Ground Zero, is really cool. Plus, the Shack Up Inn has brought in a few celebs like Morgan Freeman, Elvis Costello, Samuel L. Jackson to name just a few. Take a crazy road trip and stay at the wonderful Shack Up Inn. I guarantee you, you will not be disappointed. Also, check out their website Tootles!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
"Where Dat Gold At"
Okay, two in one day....I'm impressed, or I'm just really bored. The other day, one of Brian's student's sent him an email with a link to youtube called Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama. I have to say, it is the funniest damn thing I have seen in a really long time. Its been on the web for a couple of years now, but neither one of us had seen it until now. All I have to say is that I can't believe they actuallyreported this on the news. There must have not been anything else going on in Mobile. "Where Dat Gold At?" Enjoy!
The day so far has been lazy/somewhat productive day. I didn't roll out of bed until around 10am which was nice...I typically get up around 8 or so because Brody starts pawing me to get up to feed him and take him out. I suppose that's what I get having your dog sleeping in the bed with you...spoiled, right? After lying around for a bit, I decided to take a shower since I didn't take one yesterday. Gross, I know. I just really didn't feel like taking one. I'm sure Brian appreciated that since yesterday was Valentine's Day and all. I picked up some lunch from Pita Delite...we love that place. We both get the same thing every, roast beef on wheat; Brian ham and cheese on wheat. It's oh-so good. I took Brody to Hugh McRae Park, one of my favorites in town, and had our daily stroll. Brody did somewhat okay. He barked at everyone and every dog he saw. I finally let him say "hello" to a couple of pooches just to shut him up towards the end of our walk. It was so nice outside, I decided to drive over to Wrightsville Beach and let him play in the sand a bit. Brody absolutely loves the beach! It was a little chilly out there, but it was worth seeing how happy he was...he's definitely living the high life. When I go to the beach, I love driving down Airlie Road. Its so pretty with the oak trees, Spanish moss, the harbor and there is a little "farm" I guess you would call it across the Airlie Gardens. It is such a relaxing of my faves about Wilmington.
For V-Day, Brian made me dinner. He baked some chicken and grilled asparagus (the asparagus was just for me since he doesn't eat any veggies besides corn). It was really, really good. I told him that he needs to cook more often, but he said no of course. I think he's definitely a better cook than I am. He even cleaned up I have a sweet man or what!? For me, I was pretty much worthless. After dinner I laid on the couch and watch chick-flick movies that was on USA and Oxygen...Sleepless In Seattle, Sweet Home Alabama, The Break-Up all night long. I have to admit that I was a little hungover from the night before. Brian was in Florence at his parents and I drank a bottle and a half of wine, consumed lots of turtles and made some chicken tortellini w/alfredo sauce. It was tasty. I did do a little shopping yesterday. There's this shop at Wrightsville Beach called Hallelu, check out there website They have the cutest stuff. I never leave empty handed. I bought a really cute dress and a necklace. Prices there are affordable and stylish. It definitely has some vintage flare to it. I'm just ready for the weather to warm up so I can wear it. What do you think...cute,huh?

Friday, February 13, 2009
One dissappointed weekend
This weekend, Brian and I were suppose to drive to Ghent, WV to go snowboarding and snowtubing at Winter Place for Valentines....that was suppose to be my gift since we were unable to go during Christmas. Sadly, I did not get off of work in time...damn it. Anywho, I thought I would have been able to leave around 3:00, 3:30 the latest, and we would be on our way...but NO. I did not get off until almost 4:30 and Brian was already in Florence at his parents...he left early so he could get his hair cut and do a few other things. After I gave him a call telling him that I was leaving, he told me not to even worry about it because we wouldn't get there until 1am, then we would get up at the crack of dawn Saturday to snowboard, and leave Sunday morning to come back home. Of course, there was a little arguing involved in the conversation. So instead,I am home alone while BK is in Florence at his parents. He will be home sometime tomorrow afternoon so we can atleast go to dinner for V-Day. For my evening, I am making tortellini w/chicken and alfredo sauce for dinner, an entire box (yeah, I said entire) of turtles for dessert and a couple of bottles of wine...oh and some serious chick-flick movies, in my pjs :) What a GREAT night or what!! At least I will have the bed to myself...I don't have to worry about a dog up against me and waking me up at 7:45 am, yay. Well, that's my vent for the evening.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
My husband's, Brian, 25 Random Things About Himself...
1. I have a nursing degree but I teach marketing….my wife has a marketing degree but she works in healthcare. I guess it makes sense in some weird kind of way!
2. I believe educating the future business leaders of our world is best gig going. I love what I do and those rascals definitely keep me on my feet!
3. Keeping with the family tradition, both my father and I received our doctoral degrees from Mississippi State University. In fact, our dissertations sit several feet away from each other on the same shelf in the campus library. I have a picture of us holding each (my fathers from 1971 and mine from 2006) in front of the library the day I graduated. The picture sits in a frame on the window ledge in my office.
4. Such pictures mean a lot more to me nowadays after my parent’s house caught fire and burned down (lightening strike) on the eve of Mother’s Day 2001. No one was hurt but nothing of real value was saved. In fact, I have no childhood artifacts…only memories.
5. Another similarity to my father….I am pretty loyal to barbers. In fact, I drive 2 hours, each way, every couple of weeks to get my hair cut…and to see the family of course!
6. I always wondered if my dad got that habit from his dad. I wish I would have had the chance to know either of my grandfathers. Both died much too early in life.
7. My middle name is Russ. It is my mother’s maiden name and I sign everything…and I mean everything… Brian R. Kinard. Maybe subconsciously it is a way to honor a man I never met.
8. I have 2 “half” sisters and 1 “full” sister. Is that politically correct? For most of my life I told people I had 2 “step” sisters….which is false. We all have the same father...I think!
9. I am the last remaining male branch in my family tree. Ironically I have 6 nephews, none of which will carry on the Kinard name. I guess the pressure is on!
10. I have never broken a bone in my body…a consequence that is in part due to never being in a fight. I regret that, as I believe everyone should have one good fist fight under their belt…with or without glass bottles. I guess I still have time.
11. However, I had my upper jaw operated on in 1999. Actually, I have a couple metal plates and numerous screws holding it together now. I’ve had procedures performed by numerous dentists, an orthodontist, a periodontist, an endodontist, a prosthodontist, and a maxio-facial surgeon. Not surprisingly, I believe that is every adult dental specialty recognized by the American Dental Association.
12. I have never been arrested…although I was once cuffed and held for questioning by security at the Birmingham Dog Track for a “minor misunderstanding”.
13. I was baptized and raised as a practicing Catholic growing up. However, I was ex-communicated from Holy Ghost Elementary School in 4th grade for another “minor misunderstanding”. The lab school was way cooler anyway!
14. I am pretty worthless when it comes to any activity involving balance, such as roller skating, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, or skiing. My wife would probably add walking and dancing to this list.
15. I find massages to be more painful than relaxing. Furthermore, I honestly fear a chiropractor would paralyze me.
16. Speaking of fears…I have only one known phobia: Clowns…also known as Coulrophobia.
17. Also, I have a small problem with motion sickness. In other words, I am unable to play first person video games like Halo, ride the Gravatron/Twirlt-A-Whirl at your local carnival, or ride over ocean swells greater than 3 ft in a boat without vomiting uncontrollably.
18. Anther uncontrollable vice. I constantly bite my fingernails when I am nervous, especially when I watch a MSU or Clemson sporting event.
19. Yes, I love me some sports. In fact, I don’t listen to much music anymore. I am pretty much a 630 AM ESPN talk radio kind of guy these days.
20. I have a cell phone…but never on me. I got in the habit of leaving it in my office so it wouldn’t go off during class. Then I just started leaving it at home. I find my days to be less bothersome, contain fewer interruptions, and more productive without a cell phone attached to my hip. Try it sometime…you just might like it Mikey.
21. I am very organized and I miss Trapper Keepers….they seriously need to make a comeback. Tight roll jeans...not so much.
22. Speaking of tight roll jeans…I would make/force my sister Carole Ann to tight roll my jeans to absolute perfection before every day of school in the 7th grade. God peer pressure was a bitch in Kentucky.
23. I think I have a strange (sometimes referred to as “sick and twisted” by my in-laws) sense of humor which most people probably don’t get. Well, the friends that I have get it and that’s all that matters to me.
24. Maybe that’s why I have few friends and far too many acquaintances. I prefer it that way.
25. My best friend also doubles as my wonderful wife. Lucky me!
2. I believe educating the future business leaders of our world is best gig going. I love what I do and those rascals definitely keep me on my feet!
3. Keeping with the family tradition, both my father and I received our doctoral degrees from Mississippi State University. In fact, our dissertations sit several feet away from each other on the same shelf in the campus library. I have a picture of us holding each (my fathers from 1971 and mine from 2006) in front of the library the day I graduated. The picture sits in a frame on the window ledge in my office.
4. Such pictures mean a lot more to me nowadays after my parent’s house caught fire and burned down (lightening strike) on the eve of Mother’s Day 2001. No one was hurt but nothing of real value was saved. In fact, I have no childhood artifacts…only memories.
5. Another similarity to my father….I am pretty loyal to barbers. In fact, I drive 2 hours, each way, every couple of weeks to get my hair cut…and to see the family of course!
6. I always wondered if my dad got that habit from his dad. I wish I would have had the chance to know either of my grandfathers. Both died much too early in life.
7. My middle name is Russ. It is my mother’s maiden name and I sign everything…and I mean everything… Brian R. Kinard. Maybe subconsciously it is a way to honor a man I never met.
8. I have 2 “half” sisters and 1 “full” sister. Is that politically correct? For most of my life I told people I had 2 “step” sisters….which is false. We all have the same father...I think!
9. I am the last remaining male branch in my family tree. Ironically I have 6 nephews, none of which will carry on the Kinard name. I guess the pressure is on!
10. I have never broken a bone in my body…a consequence that is in part due to never being in a fight. I regret that, as I believe everyone should have one good fist fight under their belt…with or without glass bottles. I guess I still have time.
11. However, I had my upper jaw operated on in 1999. Actually, I have a couple metal plates and numerous screws holding it together now. I’ve had procedures performed by numerous dentists, an orthodontist, a periodontist, an endodontist, a prosthodontist, and a maxio-facial surgeon. Not surprisingly, I believe that is every adult dental specialty recognized by the American Dental Association.
12. I have never been arrested…although I was once cuffed and held for questioning by security at the Birmingham Dog Track for a “minor misunderstanding”.
13. I was baptized and raised as a practicing Catholic growing up. However, I was ex-communicated from Holy Ghost Elementary School in 4th grade for another “minor misunderstanding”. The lab school was way cooler anyway!
14. I am pretty worthless when it comes to any activity involving balance, such as roller skating, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, or skiing. My wife would probably add walking and dancing to this list.
15. I find massages to be more painful than relaxing. Furthermore, I honestly fear a chiropractor would paralyze me.
16. Speaking of fears…I have only one known phobia: Clowns…also known as Coulrophobia.
17. Also, I have a small problem with motion sickness. In other words, I am unable to play first person video games like Halo, ride the Gravatron/Twirlt-A-Whirl at your local carnival, or ride over ocean swells greater than 3 ft in a boat without vomiting uncontrollably.
18. Anther uncontrollable vice. I constantly bite my fingernails when I am nervous, especially when I watch a MSU or Clemson sporting event.
19. Yes, I love me some sports. In fact, I don’t listen to much music anymore. I am pretty much a 630 AM ESPN talk radio kind of guy these days.
20. I have a cell phone…but never on me. I got in the habit of leaving it in my office so it wouldn’t go off during class. Then I just started leaving it at home. I find my days to be less bothersome, contain fewer interruptions, and more productive without a cell phone attached to my hip. Try it sometime…you just might like it Mikey.
21. I am very organized and I miss Trapper Keepers….they seriously need to make a comeback. Tight roll jeans...not so much.
22. Speaking of tight roll jeans…I would make/force my sister Carole Ann to tight roll my jeans to absolute perfection before every day of school in the 7th grade. God peer pressure was a bitch in Kentucky.
23. I think I have a strange (sometimes referred to as “sick and twisted” by my in-laws) sense of humor which most people probably don’t get. Well, the friends that I have get it and that’s all that matters to me.
24. Maybe that’s why I have few friends and far too many acquaintances. I prefer it that way.
25. My best friend also doubles as my wonderful wife. Lucky me!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A nice morning off
Each week, typically on Wednesdays, I have a half day. I prefer the afternoon off, but I was happy that I had this morning to sleep in a little. I haven't had a full night sleep in a while. Too much tossing and turning....especially when you have a 20 pound dog sleeping with you, plus a husband, all in a queen size bed. I really think we should invest in a king... that would make it so much better! That is all wishful thinking :) I did get to sleep until 9:30 which was nice. Sadly, I have to be at work at 12 and work until 4:30. I suppose that isn't bad at all, but Wednesday is a one doctor day. That doctor is Chris. God love the man, but he is very slow. We always get so backed up and we have some unhappy patients. The past couple of Wednesdays, we've had patients leave because they were having to wait too long. That's not good business. The poor man has an overload schedule when he's by himself and he just can't handle it. I truly think they should cut out a few full eye exams for him. I think it would make things much easier and less stressful. At least today I'm working the front desk instead of screening patients. His patients usually have a lot of history that takes more time. Well, I guess I better go get dressed for a lovely afternoon.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Not So Anonymous, Shopaholic
I really believe I have a shopping addiction. I don't know what has come over me, but lately, every time I got so called "browsing" I end up buying clothes, things for the house, something for Brian and Brody and I there is no need for it! If I see a cute dress or top and I just go ahead and purchase that item. I don't know why?? I don't even have to wear "real" clothes everyday because I wear scrubs 5 days out of the week. I am at disbelief with myself because I use to be the person who would save my money. I would never spend it unless it was for car gas or groceries. I would never buy clothes or decorative items for my home. I guess since I don't have any bills...besides student loans...that I feel I have no need to save my hard earned moola. Plus, life is too short. Might as well spend it today because you may not be here tomorrow. I do have to say, I have bought several cute dresses. I'm just ready for the weather to warm up so I can wear them!
I know this is totally off subject, but I am hooked on a new tv show...Dr. G, Medical Examiner. I guess I'm bringing it up now is because I am watching it on Discovery Health. I don't know why, but I have this strange facination for this show. I guess I'm just curious on how people die...strange, I know. So many people die over things that seem to could have been controlled by medication. Anyway, it amazes me watching Dr. G finding the reasoning behind the death. Too, I grew up around death because my family is in the tombstone business. My Dad sells stones, set stones and cuts death dates. I pretty much grew up in the cemetary. Our house that we lived in growing up was behind my uncle's shop and in front of the office there are tombstones for show. I loved going out there to play, escpecially at night. My friends and I would play hide-and-go-seek in the dark behind the stones. During the summer, I would ride with my dad while he made calls. Could you imagine cold calling to someone who just lost a loved one? I couldn't. To this day I still don't see how he does it! I sold advertisement for 3 years and that was hard enough, but selling tombstones to someone would be even harder. If you haven't seen the show, it's a definite must see!
I know this is totally off subject, but I am hooked on a new tv show...Dr. G, Medical Examiner. I guess I'm bringing it up now is because I am watching it on Discovery Health. I don't know why, but I have this strange facination for this show. I guess I'm just curious on how people die...strange, I know. So many people die over things that seem to could have been controlled by medication. Anyway, it amazes me watching Dr. G finding the reasoning behind the death. Too, I grew up around death because my family is in the tombstone business. My Dad sells stones, set stones and cuts death dates. I pretty much grew up in the cemetary. Our house that we lived in growing up was behind my uncle's shop and in front of the office there are tombstones for show. I loved going out there to play, escpecially at night. My friends and I would play hide-and-go-seek in the dark behind the stones. During the summer, I would ride with my dad while he made calls. Could you imagine cold calling to someone who just lost a loved one? I couldn't. To this day I still don't see how he does it! I sold advertisement for 3 years and that was hard enough, but selling tombstones to someone would be even harder. If you haven't seen the show, it's a definite must see!
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